Rackspace provides quality cloud hosting with fanatical support
A good web development company, with clients nationwide, needs a Website & Application hosting company that provides reliable service, affordable pricing and high-quality support.
We spent nearly a year researching web hosting providers for our second 10 years of business and one stood head-and-shoulders above the rest: RackSpace.
Rackspace product line includes Managed Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Email & Apps as well as Hybrid hosting to its customers.
- Managed Hosting contains their Managed Private Clouds, Managed Colocation and Managed Servers.
- Cloud Hosting includes Cloud Servers (Windows or Linux), Cloud Sites (Win/Linux) and Cloud Files (data on the Content Delivery Network or CDN)
- Email & Apps includes Email hosting (standard or hosted Microsoft Exchange Server), File sharing and Online Backup
- Hybrid Hosting involves mixing and maxing above solutions to create the setup that works for the job at hand.
Their offerings let us decide what level of service we need for a particular client application and give us the flexibility to upgrade individual or group services on-the-fly. Their assistance to us in moving existing client sites and creating new web applications has been nothing short of their oft-stated Fanatical Support®
On April 11, 2011, VickeryHill inked a Unified Partner Agreement with Rackspace, which should bring even better support and more exciting opportunities for the future