Bomgar helps VickeryHill support clients remotely
There are loads of desktop Remote Control solutions to choose from out there on the Interwebs: LogMeIn, GoToMyPC,, WebEx, Symantec’s PCAnywhere, Microsoft Terminal Services Client, Numera, VNC, etc.
When it was time to choose a solid solution that VickeryHill could use for 24×7 support of internal workstations, servers, web servers, client desktops as well as presentation training and support – we researched a dozen. We finally chose Bomgar as our preferred and bought their B100 box to get started.
A couple of exciting features of the Bomgar solution that clinched it for us were the actual bringing of a piece of hardware into our office and the ongoing support contract. Having the box internally means we not only reduce bandwidth needs when remoting our telecommuters and internal workstations/servers, but it also means we are not beholden to 15 hops away on the Internet for our solution to work. If we’re on the web, Bomgar’s on the web!

Everyone at has the Bomgar Client Representative Console loaded on their workstation and when needed, they either generate a key or ask the user to click on their name under Client Representatives
Their browser downloads a small application from Bomgar and the next thing you know we can see their screen or present ours. Bomgar also lets us see their file structure and efficiently transfer files as well as see their system status. We can even chat between users in the session. Once the remote session is completed and we close Bomgar, all traces of the software is removed from the remote desktops and we are on our way.
Bomgar lets us securely see and be seen, allows recording of screen sessions for future review and has an Apple iPad Client Representative App coming out this summer.
What more could you ask for?